It seems a while since the last time I was writing my gibberish on here. Since my last blog my hubby and I went back to London to be part of the paralympic buzz.
Yes, its starting to sound like our second home already or then again, a CD stuck lol, are we not bored of visiting the same place yet? NO WAY!
One thing that hits you about London is the heat. It just seems massively warmer than the North West, yes, I know, obvously where London is situated on our wonderful Island, its bound to be warmer, but even on a hazy grey type day in London, its pretty roasting....... well to us northern sorts it is.
This time the hubby and I had chance to visit, Canary Wharf, China town at night, Greenwich Park, the Olympic village, Harrods and many more areas. Being realistic, you need to spend a good long few weeks in London to take advantage on whats on offer there, especially all the museums that are there.
Me 2012 |
hubby 2012 |
I took this because of the reflection in the building |
canary wharf, I took this because the trees look so out of place and totally dwarfed by the magnificant buildings |
Of course I took thousands of photos , if you would like a copy please email me.
Greenwich |
Greenwich Park |
Greenwich |
the De Vere hotel we stayed at in Woking |
Trafalgar square with the paralympic symbols |
Greenwich |
aint this cute, taken by the Thames |
Tower Bridge with the paralympic symbols |
Instead of putting a load of pix on here like this, i'm going to give you a link to my London Pix on the three journeys we had there:
I took pix of more mascots, thats around 15 different ones in total, yippee. I got excited adding them to my port folio.
I was in awe in Harrods with how rich, ornate and fantastic the place was for a department store, especially how fantastic the egyptian themed escalator areas were. What I did start to think; was that people obviously have too much money to spend, more money than sense to pay some of them stupid prices within the store. I did say to the hubby i would like one of those harrods bags that many people seem to have, them famous green ones you see alot with gold print, do you know how much they cost on their own £23, £23!!! I look at it this way, its a green PVC bag with a basic print saying 'harrods', they should pay YOU to advertise their store not you pay a staggering amount to advertise it for them. I said no way hozay am I paying that sort of money for a scabby bag that says harrods on it! In fact, you could get many ordinary items at Harrods, but because it says harrods on them, it will have a 400% mark up on top. Who are these people buying it all? It was so luxurious and yes, there is probably nothing Harrods doesn't stock, but its all at silly money. Am I a tight penny pinching sod? No way! I just dont like being ripped off. I will give you an example; we went to the equestrian department, im not even going to start mentioning the prices of the clothes in there as they are quite simply bloody outrageously priced. I wanted a pure goat hair brush as mine has seen better days really, at home (up North ha), they are ten pound each. Because the EXACT same goat hair brush in harrods had a small printed (cheaply looking I may add) stamp on it saying harrods, it was £20. The hubby wanted to buy it me, but I totally refused on principle, it was EXACTLY the same in everyway, leather style handle everything but had a little gold effect stamp at the top that said Harrods, you pay ten pound more for!
I dont like being back at work, but who does? after a brilliant summer holiday home and away with loved ones you certainly get the holiday blues. Ah well, back to reality.
I look at things differently these days. Particulary life in general. I think life is much too short. I would love to just sell up and potter around doing things we love to do, the easy life, well for us, hens, horses, outbuildings haha. In London you see money money money, in the centre of the city, not cash per say but money in cars, money in peoples clothes, money in the sort of shops at Knightsbridge for example, money in the sort of customers shops are trying to attract, money in technology you see all around you, there is money money money everywhere (yes I know there is poverty too), but in London, in the touristy parts, you have to have deep pockets to be a resident part of it. A lovely happy life does boil down to funds. The only thing stopping my hubby, family and kids, doing things we would really love to do, is the big issue of funds. I look at the way some people spend and think 'do they really know the value of money'? If my hubby and I were loaded we still wouldn't pay over the odds for items priced at stupid prices because thats what shops get away with charging, for example, the bag mentioned earlier. Of course we would buy a new car, but it would NOT be one straight out of garage with the new number plate. I would rather buy a similar car but used, a few years old for thousands less! Anyway, im sounding like a right old woman moaning here haha. I know i am being very typical tourist, and naive on probably what the 'real' London may be like, but our whole experience from Hotel, travel, communting, buses, underground, prices - other than harrods type places, have all been fantastic and like clock work.
We love London and mention it every day one way or another. My hubby went to a retirement party last night and an old colleague he worked with moved to London, she loved it there, they were having such a super talk about it, she said like my hubby there is nothing here that can compare, its much colder here too. She is back here in the North West but hopes to retire back down London. We are hoping to do the London new year celebrations with the family but we are not too sure yet. There is one thing for sure, we do not like the town we live in and hope to one day, move to pastures new? who knows.
Misc and stuff that ISN'T London for a change haha:
My beautiful son has signed up for army college. I'm so sad about it. He is my youngest at 16yrs. Its pretty heart breaking, 16 is so young boohoo but it has been his life long dream to be in the army so I am proud he has followed it through. You dont want your kids to leave home, though my children are independent, work and are at college too, you just want them forever. Its a sad affair this leaving the nest thing.
We have done some horsing around seeing we have had lovely weather. Alfie is now trotting in company in the sand paddock, he is picking it up well now having another horse bombing around him as he works. A bit more work and I will have an assistant lead us out on a hack in company and see how he does, this is where his confidence will be at its minimum due to the nature of him not going off the yard. My dad is out of hospital and breathing better though his heart is still pretty duffed, he feels better in himself and can walk a couple of yards without collapsing out of breath. He came to visit us at the yard and took pix, we took his daft mutt on our little hack with us too.
Bombing around to get alfie used to working in company sept 2012 |
sept 2012 |
good ponies sept 2012 |
sept 2012 |
afternoon hack with mitch the dog sept 2012 |
sept 2012 |
afternoon hack with mitch the dog sept 2012 |
ha ha deep in thought sept 202 |
sept 2012 |
A couple pix of me taken today bringing the boys in from the field so they are all scruffs lol:
sept 9th |
scruffy boy sept 2012 |
sept 202 |