I'm going to rabbit on via an update of what i've been doing with the boys (ggs) lately, I will show updates with pictures and even show pictures of my fish because I'm a weirdo if you haven't sussed that out by now. Oh yes I can't forget my bunny and guinea-pigs. Well, I do think with my London trips and other days out, i've been neglecting the animal chat.
Firstly, I have to go on about my precious boy, aka Alfie, I just love him soooooooo much, I know I know, i'm 40 years old, still pony mad and act like a freak when it comes to Alfie chops, I just have to. He reminds me of my husband but an equine version, Oh god, get me the straight jacket now lol.
He's such a gentleman,so kind,loving, affectionate and will do just anything you ask, goes out of his way to please, oh yeah, hubby is the same too lol.
He always gets lots of hugs kisses and praise, then afterwards he gets some apple treats aww
August 2012 |
August 2012 |
He is now officially lightly broken. I have not progressed quickly. I have taken everything in our stride. He is perfect up to now, he has a superb mouth, he is very light in the hand due to me doing weight and voice aids, he halts instantly, he bends off your legs and around your legs lovely with ease, using minimum effort, he stands for you to mount, he has a lovely natural forward walk with a clear 4 time rhythm, he has some reasonable straightness and balance for something just broken. He is started just like all my others but I've taken much more time with Alfie as I dont have many horses anymore , so its been such a pleasure to have all the time in the world. What has been different with him, is i've not had a person assisting on the lunge for progression in the intial breaking. I wouldnt have carried on the way I have if he was one of our warmbloody types. Its all because I know he is one of those typical cobs that just 'takes to it' and just wants to please. Its been a long wait, i've had him just a couple of days after he was weaned off his mum. When I went to pick him up from a stud near the black mountains in Wales, I just melted as I was led to his stable, I still melt today lol.
hugs and pats aww |
Yeah yeah, I know, we have another pony in the family too haha.
I will put pix on now, for some bizarrre reason he always looks small on them. He's a lovely sturdy young 15 hander now.
July 2012 |
Aww look at the love he has in his face here ............
July 2012 |
I've been riding Zigs for Jess lately, Jess has been too busy getting lots of hours at work. So worse luck, Zigs has to put up with a blob like me. He's such a good pony and I always say to myself 'what a bargain he was'! He is coming on brilliantly, i'm impressed with him. He doesnt have his martingale on now as he is finally paying attention and enjoying all his work and not fighting all the time.
Keeping zigs occupied whilst I ride Alfie awww August 2012

Today Thursday 16th August, I did some jump schooling with him. He was being a bit of a whally whilst he was being groomed as he could see some strange killer dinasaurs in the sand paddock that weren't there last time he looked, scary dinasaurs are actually the few little jumps I put up for him haha. I did some basics in the paddock then asked him to walk the pole that I had put on the diagonal, he was being so stupid like it was an alien lol , daft bugger, anyway, he did it as he was supposed to. He did well then I asked him to pop a little jump, my gosh, you would think he was being asked to jump a brick wall haha, he's out of his tree sometimes haha, anyway, i thought now you're being silly ziggy poo, but he popped it a good few times in a lovely steady trot rhythm and started to really enjoy it, gathering a lovely canter after the jump. He did shy at the second jump and bucked but I just thought 'ziggy you daft monkey' , he did so well and after the initial stupidness I was very proud of him and he finished on a very good note in deed. I need to keep it up but the school is small and deep so its not really 'that' suitable but its better than not having a school. I think its only 20m squared? you can only do so much in it. I love ziggy poo, he's come on so much and he aint as bonkers, I'm going to find the videos of when we got him where he was really bonkers in his stable and in the paddock, I mean, friggin crackers lol.
August 2012 |
August 2012 |
August 2012 |
August 2012 |
We have moved the bunny and guinea-pigs on to our decking in the garden so they can all play out together, I used to always think it was tight on them having to take turns in the run, but now, the run is inside a turnout area, i'm well chuffed. My hubby made it all, bet he's sick of me and how I change my mind lol.
16th August 2012 |
We also got a new fish, I bought a white female molly for my two boys, she was already quite fattish when I bought her so I hope she spawns sometime soon, I think there are enough small nook and carnnies in the tank for the odd small fry to hide. We also bred a neon! That was one that was lucky enough not to be pinched as an egg lol.
August 2012 |
August 2012 |
We also have new baby bunny at the yard, looks a bit like a lionhead, dutch himalyan cross haha I dont know what it is but its a cutie:
Sunning themselves aww |
The wanderers |
Hope I haven't bored you too much haha xx