After all these years, I decided I would like some tropical fish again. With that notion in mind and me being a spoilt brat, my hubby has bought me a lovely 60L Orb tank for my soon approaching big 40th birthday.....................
Noooooooooooo, how come i'm nearly 40 already?
York 2012 |
The Orb tanks are them fahionable globe ones that are pretty popular at the moment. I love it. It looks like a fancy ornament lamp thingy whilst its lit up in the lounge.
My Orb tank being prepared last weekend June 2012 |
I actually got the tank last weekend and was like an excitable child with a new toy. I put the water in with the special solution to take the harshness of the tap water then plugged all the necessary electrics in. The original transformer didnt work or the light, so off we went to the aquatic shop to buy a new transformer and bulb for the tank.
Back home we go, hey presto, brill stuff seeing all the bubbles coming out of the volcano lol, told you I was like a big kid. Then ten minutes later, the electrics to the tank all went dead. Nooooooooo, not a very good start. Anyway. I didnt mind the wait as I needed to wait for the heater to arrive before I could buy the tropical fish anyway, so I wasn't too disappointed.
Anyway, to cut a long boring story a bit shorter lol, we have success today! I now have an active lively tank and I haven't even got half the fish yet. I popped back to the aquatic shop I used to go to as a young girl picked up another transformer, bought a bunch of real plants, 12 young neons and 4 zebra danios. Also this morning I bought some fish flakes (food) and some marbles for the tank. At present I have designed the tank so the rear is a deep end. It has one layer of stone whereas the front has a few layers. I love the volcano pump with the bubble effect that come out of the top, its a lovely feature to them orb tanks which is great because I could half hide the heater behind it. I chose a heater with a protective cover around it, something I hadn't seen all them years ago when I had fish, i'm quite liking them lol!
The neons and zebras in their bags adjusting to the tank temp 16th June 2012 |
The fish getting used to the tank 16th june 2012 |
I was still excited after getting them fish so popped to a more local aquatic centre and picked up two algae eaters too. I seriously can't wait until next week to finish the tank family off with the rest of the fish im going to buy. I'm going to be getting 6 female guppies, 2 male guppies and I like the dalmation mollies so will get two of them. I may get a nother bunch of plants too and that's it done. Today, I've missed a couple of movies due to watching the fish, so therapeutic lol. Thats big news for me and proves the fish have been money well spent because I do love my movies !
For this tank incase anyone else is after one, I have the below:
- 60L Orb tank
- 100w Heater
- Thermometer - tank temp to be set at around 23-25
- A good tip; It is also a good idea to get a small back up heater incase anything happens to the original
I'm going to take a photo of it lit up later. The fish are very happy and lively I'm loving it.
Ziggy poo June 2012 |
The zig monster punctured his cheek flesh last week with a slight laceration in two places close to one another. His natural wound healing defences worked wonders in making him look very deformed on one side of his face due to the swelling, so you did think 'oh no' when you saw him. It is funny because you just think horses eh, always something, whats more baffling is the whole field is post and railed but Zigs has still found something to harm himself on.
After cleaning it thoroughly and checking for any debris /foreign body, I decided it wasn't deep enough for moist healing and that dry healing would surfice.(Adult nursing and wound clinics incase you think i'm a miss know it all lol). I cleaned it with luke warm diluted hibbiscrub with sterile swabs then sudocreamed, then put in my hand my homemade fly repellent to dab around the wound and back out he went. This weekend, it has brilliantly healed and inflammation reduced by at least 95%. We have dabbed clean his wound with the same as the above , every couple of days, gently, so not to traumatise it and allow the wound to dry heal. I'm very proud of Ziggy poo allowing me to clean his wound this past week, especially the day he did it, he can be a good boy sometimes awwwwww I lurveeeeeeeeeee him.
I am going to take a photo later of the tank lit up with the fish in it.Or may actually wait until next week when I have the lot.
Also next week; we are picking up our two new guineapigs, it is mum and daughter named by my daughter benezia and liara fantasy character names apparntly, here is a sneak peak: cute eh!?!
We pick the new guinea pigs up next week yeahhhhh |