My hubby and I have been busy over the weekend. I actually couldn't wait
until my birthday (weekend) to get the rest of my fish and plants for
my tank. I'm such a big child when it comes to being impatient in these
matters. So, with me not being able to wait any longer,the tank is now complete. We have more plants and have completed the fish community. Altogether we have;
- 2 Safron coloured mollies
- 2 Flamenco Guppys
- 12 Neons
- 4 Zebra danios
- 2 Algae eaters
They are a lively bunch too! My hubby is such a saint driving around everywhere with me and spoiling me rotten, then again, he has spoilt be rotten since we met all them many years ago awww. I love watching the fish. So here is our complete tank below; yeahhh.
The hubby and I have also made a guinea pig run in the part of the back garden that we dont use. We have just to make a mesh roof for it to prevent any predators getting to them. I'm worried about my dog so I am going to get two half panel fences like them you can see top right of one of the photos below. I'm going to have one of them have hinges on it as a gate sort of thing.
All this lot is proving to be an expensive birthday weekend for us now lol. We're also taking the kids out for a pub meal lol.
To start the run work ,we had to cut the frontal part of the Holly Tree away then clear years of rough hardy ivy and other plants. We then popped out and bought a roll of turf for the guinea pigs to munch and sun bathe on. I'm well impressed. They are going to be spoilt guineapigs! Not only do 'they' arrive at the weekend. I am also getting a rabbit. I have succumbed to my friends sale of her hutch , buy the hutch get a bunny too! She does have a two tier hutch. So I have decided that the bunny will live in the top part. This means we will have to put a small piece of wood over the entrance hole to the bottom tier. The bottom tier will house the two guineapigs. Its so they respect one anothers privacy and dont argue. But they will all play out together in the run. I cant wait.
Below are before and after photos of the run.We have a few more bits and bobs to do but its looking good already.
Before |
During; after the clear up work |
Getting there, just to put the roll of turf in and stone the edges |
hard at it |
Much tidier and nearly done |
The hutch is going to the right of the run. I'm looking forward to getting them all now. I used to have 27 guinea pigs, 4 rabbits, a cockertiel, 2 bantams, dog all at one time at my mums when I was younger, as well as the odd mice, hamsters and gerbils occasionally, then a pony lol, so its going to bring back memories having guinea pigs and rabbits to look after again.
Horsey Palava
Ziggy poos wound is much better. Inflammation has virtually gone and we'll soon be riding him again. He needs it too, he's probably forgot what a rider is by now. Thought I would put a picture of my beautiful boy on........ no, not my son, no, not my hubby, but my other beautiful boy; Alfies poops. I loveeeee my Alfie poops awwwwwwwwwww.
May 2012 |
Is he sexy or what eh?! He is such a gentleman of a horse too. He's proven to be so easy to break, as expected really. He has taken everything in his stride up to now and I'm so impressed with him. I am off work for 6 wks soon and this is the time I will be breaking Alfie properly and continue his education. We have done much long reining and have formed a nice responsive soft mouth. We have also been on board a couple of times and he has done well in walk and halt aids. He has a nice forward walk which I hope he will retain once broken properly. I haven't done anything with him for four weeks but when he turns three after next week, I hope to start again. He is such a mummys' boy. Forever gives me hugs and kisses. I'm so besotted with him. It will soon be time for me to put on his big boy posh stubben bridle that I have had , which seems now, forever ,hung up in my wardrobe.
April 2012 |
Sexy boy April 2012 |
New Yard Bunnies lionhead x |
My sweet boy April/May 2012, he loves his human mum |
Moi with a big kiss for you all lol,May 2012 |
Alfie boy May 2012 |
May 2012 |
What a good boy may 2012 |
Cheeky boy may 2012 |
Cutie pies May 2012, yes, she does have purple hair ha |
My good boy getting used to weight moving around on him aww May 2012 |
Look how dirty and scruffy he is on here, shocking photo but hasn't he worked hard, such a good boy May 2012(solo) |
Thats it for now folks, tune back in again soon x