I've been back home two days and I dont know what it is. I've got one of those back from holiday blues. A big sad quiet mood on. Again, my hubby and I had a marvellous time acting all touristy around London for the final day of the Olympics. We took my daughter this time. My daughter is 17 and sadly, she's one of those that doesn't show any interest in anything unless its shopping. I was so excited to show her and give her, the experience we had in London the week previously (see other blog post), but she just didn't 'get it'. I wont be taking her again. She already had a quick strop-on when we took her on the first bridge from Waterloo, the Hungerford Bridge because I wanted to take a picture of her on it.
The Hungerford Bridge, hubby doing the honours of posing for me aww. I can always rely on the hubby.
I was straight away blown away and put into a mood when my daughter refused a photo! I went on one and said to her " your first ever time in the Capital, you're in London, the most visited city in the world and you wont let me take a photo!". I was pretty miffed and at that point thought to myself, I wish I didn't bring her but feeling sad at the same time, sometimes I wish she would just try to show some pretend pleasure, she obvously couldn't appreciate where she was and what there was to see and do. It was sad as a parent to feel and think this, I was just very disappointed to see her face like a slapped arse, her moody exterior she shows at home, followed us down to London. Not a 'wow, look at the place' look to her face anywhere in sight. Ah well, maybe it was just me? She is probably more suited to Benidorm type places. No offence to Benidorm sun seekers just that, she is probably more suited to sunbathing on the beach day in day out doing and seeing feck all! Scuse my unlady like tone. But by the time I got off the bridge, I started to be happy again and just 'stuff her' haha.

I was still very excited and acted like it was my first time there in London. I took many more photos and the closing ceremony atmosphere around the City was just as vibrant as the city was whilst all the games were going on. My main mission with my camera was to capture some of London by night. Once again, I took some wonderful photos, I will share some with you within this blog.
12th August 2012, if you require any of my photos, please email me |
12th August 2012 |
I just cant seem to get excited about anything at home now. I dont know how these olympians are going to come down from the whole experience? If someone, a lay person like myself, is already having difficulty, then its going to be murder for them, i'm saying that for all that were involved and the volunteers.
I seem to see things here in my own town alot differently. So much so, I dislike it here now. Its tatty, nothing of interest, no beautiful buildings and architecture. I know central London is a touristy part and a part of London where much business is done, I know every town and city has a so called 'rough' part but even so, there was something to see at every turn in London that we took and it was surprising for a brilliantly busy city, how very clean and tidy it was!
We actually stayed in Horsley, a 20 - 30 minutes train journey to London. Horsely was beautiful. People were so polite and civil and smiled at one another.
I waited with my daughter with the buzz of live bands performing by the Thames. I waited and waited for the darkness to arrive so I could take pix of London by night. I actually think my daughter liked it for the first hour, but boredom then crept in, her face just gives it away. I could have sat there hours just taking in the buzz and happiness of all the people around me. Coming to think of it, I wonder if its because we made her walk everywhere for two days, we all know how teens dont DO walking , mmmm????
The place was heaving, the romance was showing by the river as darkness arrived with couples sat by the river, it was lovely. You could hear cheers everywhere there were screens showing the closing ceremony, as in bars, pubs and restaurants. I am so glad I was there.
Some more night pix, here are just a few, I have taken around 3000 photos whilst in London over the past couple of weeks:
12th August 2012 |
12th August 2012 |
12th August 2012 |
12th August 2012 |
This time in London, we visited China Town , Piccadily and Buckingham Palace as well as other places. What was strange was, whilst in Whitehall, we saw our Lancashire constabulary horse box parked up! They had travelled a long way to help out! I also papped some VIPs coming out of Downing street, but couldn't quite figure out who they were. It was funny because the police escorts whistle, clear the area and at speed-speed off with their charge in their black cars, funny how they are almost always black cars lol.
Some hustle and bustle pix:
This guy dressed as 'Captain Jack Sparrow' below, at the Rusty Boat live band playing by the Thames, was a remarkable look alike, we did see him walking by the river a few hours earlier and thought wow, but when he put that hat and wig on, well, wow!!
I took this photo as I was surprised at how many tourists were trying their best to film and take photos of the bridge raising to allow the yacht through. We were lucky enough to be by the river twice as the bridge raised. What the photo hasn't picked up, is the amount of people, there were hundreds and hundreds along the river taking pix.
My beautiful husband, posing again, he is so reliable to be my statue for pix haha, here I am waiting for it to get darker and darker and darker, across the way just by yards was bands playing so it was fun, wasn't boring anyway. Many of the patriotic crowd enjoying themselves did the Mo bot (Mo Farah). Everyone enjoyed themselves.
I loveeeeeed China Town, it was superb, how authentic and brilliant, what an ace idea! My daughter had fried noodles and chicken, it was yummy.
My daughter got happier after buying souveniors in Piccadily lol, I couldnt believe she actually started to warm to a few more photos!
Bars with screens showing the ceremony were heaving and spilling out but the river, Club France and the Swiss stands were very very busy:
very stylish |
The downing street mob:
Here is the one, where my daughter managed to make him smile:
I had to take these pix of course, a metropolitan police horse at whitehall and a horse rider on the bridge, the light graphics changed to various sporting images but I captured the rider ha:
Whilst in London, I took photos of 15 different Mascots, apparantly there are around 83 of the mascots around the City?
What a place to have a coffee eh!?
As daylight disappears, these are the first lights switched on the Tower Bridge;
E for you know who ha
I have to say that South West Trains offer a superb fautless service, fantastic, our train station below!!
What a lovely smile this police lady had, her mount was smiling too for me and a guy taking photos of them, her horse is deffo a poser!
As you can tell, I have loved my second time in London, please find time to look through my many photos, some may be a tad boring to look at , but there are some fantastic photos that capture London brilliantly!
More on home and animal life, next time! Thanks for looking xxx